Monthly Archives: November 2012

Why does my business need to be involved in social media?

Have you ever asked yourself, why does my business need to be involved in social media? If my guess is correct, you and hundreds, maybe even thousands of other business people are asking the same question. While we all know that many businesses have jumped on the social media bandwagon, there are still business owners out there asking that same question; why do I need to use twitter, facebook or other social media?

I think most of us have figured out by now that the most common way to search for a company involves the Internet. There really aren’t that many people still leafing through a phonebook or the Yellow Pages or any other printed directory for that matter. If you are still using these methods to search for a product, a service or business, you are definitely in the minority.

Most people these days are searching on their Continue reading

Do videos really help with your marketing?

How can videos possibly help your business with your marketing?
You may be asking that question after hearing some of the buzz about video marketing that has been on-line lately. In fact, people have been talking about the benefits of video marketing for quite some time now. Maybe you talked to a friend who works in marketing at another company, or maybe you just overhead the president of one of your supplier’s firms, talking at the office Christmas party.

You might have stumbled upon a few videos on-line while you were searching for something.

In fact, video marketing can help your business in a big way. Whether you shoot a few videos yourself or you get someone else to do it for you, it can be a boost for your business if you attach those videos to your website or blog.

Be creative!

Your first question might be, Continue reading