
Blog Like a Pro – 7 Tips to Get Your Blog Found and Read

7 tips to get your blog foundLooking for some tips to improve your blog writing? Sometimes you just need a few more ideas to keep on track and to make sure your blogs are being read and enjoyed.

1/ Think of a Great Title: Did you know that the title is the most important part of your blog? If you don’t have a catchy title, you may not end up with any readers. A question works as an excellent way to grab attention. Have fun with the headline. Tie it in with a current event or with a well-known phrase.

Use words in your headline that you think your potential readers would type into an on-line search. Make sure the title is appropriate for the article but at the same time includes words and phrases that people are sure to type into a search box.

2/ Quality Content: Always make sure your content is of high quality. Is it easy to read and understand? Would you find it interesting if you sat down to read it?

You are an expert in your field and you have information and ideas to share that others value. Don’t be afraid to share that knowledge and information. People have a hunger for good, valuable information and you are the person who can share it with them.

3/ Write for Your Audience: First of all, you need to understand who your audience is. Do you write for University professors or rock collectors? Is your blog about knitting techniques or brain surgery?

Make sure you understand as much as possible about your potential reader. Then write to that person. Imagine you are sitting in the professor’s office or knitters yarn room and you are having a conversation. What would you say! How would the conversation progress? What kinds of language would seem normal and appropriate?

Try this with a colleague and get their feedback. It will be a great way to make sure your blog will reach the intended audience.

4/ Post at the Best Time: Now that you’ve thought about who your readers are, you will know whether they are more likely to read your blog on a Monday morning or a Wednesday night at midnight.

Business People often tend to come to work on Monday morning to a full inbox of messages. Will your blog be lost in those messages and end up in the ‘trash’ file? Maybe publishing your blog around 9:30 a.m. on a Tuesday morning would be a good time for a business person to receive the message in their inbox.

Be aware that many blogging platforms will allow you to write your blog and schedule it to be published at a certain time. This can be of great value to the busy blogger. You may want to sit down and write five blogposts all scheduled to be published at different, pre-determined times.

Some people like to receive notice of a new blogpost at regular intervals like Tuesday and Thursday at noon, for instance. Others are not so specific. All these details should be considered so you will make the greatest impact with your blog.

5/ Create a Graphic: Blogs are a lot more interesting if you add a graphic of some kind. Take a picture which supports your blog content. A colorful, interesting photo can really pique the interest of the reader. You could import your photo into a graphic editing software and add text to the photo. Try to make your photo look interesting or to add some text to the image.

6/ Add a Video: Do you want to pump up your blog to a new level? Add a video. These days it is easy to create a quick video with your digital video camera or even your phone. Iphones and android phones have excellent video cameras built in. Shoot a quick video of yourself or something that relates to the blog you are writing.

7/ Share Your Blogpost: When you are finished writing your blogpost, be sure to share it with others. Share it with people on your mailing list. Post it to Facebook if that is a social media platform you are using. Tweet it on Twitter. Post it on LinkedIn. Would it be something you would like to share on Pinterest? There are so many other social media platforms as well. Share it in appropriate ways, but do share it.


There you are. Seven tips to improve your blogging abilities and make sure you get noticed.
Please reply in the comment box below if you have another tip for better blogging you would be willing to share.

Bruce Langford is an author, entrepreneur and SEO expert and teaches seminars as part of his business – ‘Success Business Training